At times of uncertainty it is easy to let your mind get carried away with worry and panic. However, it’s important to remind yourself to focus on the things you can control instead of the things you can’t. We at West Bay Pharmacy have compiled a list of a few topics and questions to help ease your anxiety and give you some mindful perspective during this stressful time.
Things you can do for yourself right now:
- Take 5 deep breaths
- Make your bed
- Stretch for 5 minutes
- Brush your hair
- Take a shower
- Light a candle
- Read a passage from your favourite book
- Massage your temples
- Make yourself a cup of tea

Opportunities for growth you can see for yourself during this time:
- A chance to read all the books that have been on your list and gathering dust on your shelves
- An opportunity to develop better sleep habits
- An opportunity to rest and practise the art of doing nothing
- An opportunity to reconnect with friends (even if it’s just virtually)
- An opportunity to organize your home
- An opportunity to cook and bake
- An opportunity to serve more people online and develop content that will serve people who live all over the world
- An opportunity to sit and process your emotions
- A chance to strengthen your praying practise

Questions to reflect on:
- What can I do to remain connected while practising social distancing?
- How can I help my community and those in need?
- How can I manage discomfort in a healthy way?
- What am I learning about myself?
- What thoughts are most helpful to me during this time?
- How am I protecting myself from things that provoke panic or anxiety?
- How can I take care of myself?
We hope you enjoyed reading through our list and found it helpful. Please continue taking good care of yourself and loved ones, mentally and physically. Cayman – we will get through this!